Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 6, 2019

Open Water Swimming Tips

Even though you’re an experienced swimmer, open water swimming proves to be a lot different from swimming in a pool. This holds true especially when you add in race elements, which may include choppy water, competitors jostling in position, and the absence of lanes that keep your aim. This is the very reason why triathletes, both novice and experienced, all experience nerve-wracking moments when they first hit the water.
Luckily for you, we have compiled a list of tips for open water swimming, which you can use if you’re a beginner, or if you’re about to enter a swimming competition. With this post, we aim to help you prepare for open water swimming, which may potentially make you nervous and anxious, as it’s very different from what you were used to. Now, here’s a few tips that can help you boost your confidence in the open water swimming.

Open Water Swimming Tips


It’s always better to get more open water swimming experience before your race day. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you’ll be when you race. We also recommend that you do this because frequency would go a long way. While it sounds very simple, practice really is the best thing that you can do.
If you’re lucky to have regular and easy access to open water, then we suggest that you take advantage of it. If you don’t, however, be informed as to where the open water swimming clinics are within your area. To help you practice, you may also tag along a few of your friends and go to the nearest body of water where you can all swim. Lastly, in case it’s still not obvious, you should never swim by yourself.

How to Stand Up on Water Skis

Water skiing is such a fun sport, which may lead to hours and hours of quality time with your family and friends. Once you learn the basics of how to stand up on water skis, you get to spend a whole day on your boat, taking skiing turns in the water. Keep in mind that water skiing is one of the most challenging water sports out there, especially for a beginner like you. The good news is that we have this guide to teach you how to master the skill.
In this post, we will be discussing the steps on how to stand up on water skis. This skill introduces you to the world of water skiing and contrary to popular belief, this sport will never require you to exert tremendous amounts of strength and effort. In fact, water skiing can be enjoyed by both adults and children, beginners and experienced skiers alike. Keep on reading this post if you’re curious about this healthy and exciting hobby.

What Do You Need?

Standing up on two water skis can be a bit challenging, especially for beginners. Therefore, you need to take note of the following to make things a lot easier for you:
  •     -Two water skis
  • - Boat
  • - Personal floatation device
  • - Towrope

How to Snorkel with A Full-Face Snorkel Mask

The use of full-face snorkeling masks has gained worldwide popularity in recent years, as it feels more natural to breathe through the nose instead of the mouth, unlike with the traditional snorkels. This type of snorkel mask is also very popular among beginners, who prefer full-face protection from water. While there have been snorkelers who remain skeptical about it or those who raise safety concerns, the use of full-face snorkel masks also has some benefits, which will be discussed later on.
In this post, we will be discussing everything that you need to know about how to snorkel using a full-face snorkel mask. How you use the full-face snorkel mask is somewhat similar to how you use the traditional one, but with a few key differences. If you’re curious about it, then keep reading.

What Is a Full-Face Snorkel Mask?

full-face snorkel mask has the capability to cover your entire face while you snorkel underwater. It features two portions, the top for viewing and the bottom for breathing. Unlike traditional snorkel masks, full-face snorkel masks don’t have a mouthpiece, thereby completely preventing gag reflex most snorkelers experience.
What’s great about it is that the snorkel is built into the mask. While they appear to be shorter than the traditional one, full-face snorkel masks stop at the top of your head. In addition, this type of snorkel mask isn’t shorter than the traditional snorkel masks. It’s because the air is internally funneled, specifically at the lower portion of the snorkel mask.

Advantages of Using a Full-Face Snorkel Mask

It allows natural breathing

Using a full-face snorkel mask allows you to inhale and exhale, either from your mouth or your nose. The natural feeling aids in keeping you calm and relaxed, especially when you’re already in the water. In addition, it’s great for beginners as there wouldn’t be any learning curve in terms of using the full-face snorkel mask.

It’s an effective water barrier

As the name suggests, a full-face snorkel mask seals your whole face, thereby decreasing the possibility of water penetrating the mask. Having a mustache also wouldn’t present a problem if you opt to use this type of snorkel mask. It features a rear strap, which holds the snorkel mask in its original position, giving you the freedom to move however you want without losing it.

It features a built-in dry top system

While this feature is also offered in traditional snorkel masks, high-performance full-face snorkel masks absolutely take snorkeling into the next level. In case you’re not familiar, full-face masks have been designed in a way that even the smallest amount of water gets into the mask, it will then be channeled away off your face. There’s also a small valve you can find at the bottom that allows you to drain the water.

It prevents jaw fatigue

Full-face snorkel masks don’t have the mouthpiece you need to bite on, making it a lot comfortable for you even if you wear it for extended periods. This holds true, especially if you have mouth or sore jaw issues.

It allows better visibility underwater

Full-face snorkel masks feature a curved lens, which extends just right behind your eye. The way it’s been crafted allows a clear and uninterrupted 180-degree view. In addition, the frame is sealed just behind your line of vision, which would mean that it wouldn’t be changing your view.

It features anti-fog breathing circulation

Full-face snorkel masks have the capability to prevent fog, unlike the traditional ones. They also come with a dual vent system, which effectively allows air circulation without fogging.

How to Snorkel with A Full-Face Snorkel Mask

  • - Make sure that you’re only using a certified full-face snorkel mask. You may try the brands Scubastore or Decathlon, as these are among the most trusted in terms of water sports gear and apparel. In addition, both companies, in our opinion, exceed your expectations and they follow-up and post-sale consultation services.
  • - Notice that the full-face snorkel masks feature an adjustable strap made of elastic textile. Having this type of material in your full-face snorkel mask already makes a big difference, as it will not pull your hair.
  • Choose the right size. We do recommend the sizes small and medium for women and kids while medium and large sizes for men.
  • - Notice that this full-face snorkeling mask also offers a 180-degree view of the seabed.
  • - This feature also allows quick fog evacuation, as well as great comfort and reliable sealing.
  • - Once you have strap the full-face snorkel on, then you’re good to go.
When you’re using the mask for the first time, make sure to do these steps:
  • - To eliminate the mask fogging due to the manufacturing process of the full-face snorkel mask, wash it using warm soapy water. Doing such terminates the manufacturer’s residue and lubricant. In case you didn’t know, the manufacturer applied this lubricant so that the silicon skirts won’t lose their flexibility and color.
  • - After washing, apply an abrasive cleaner, specifically on the internal portion of the glass lenses. However, this step should be skipped if the lenses are made of plastic. Doing so will only scratch the lenses.

  • - Using toothpaste also offers a simple and easy solution to clean the lens thoroughly, as well as preventing it from fogging. However, you need to make sure that the toothpaste is actually the paste type and never the gel type.


Getting yourself a high-quality and reliable full-face snorkel mask allows you to enjoy more of your snorkeling time. However, you must be able to know the basics of using one for it to be deemed effective. Hopefully, this guide has been of great help in case you’re doubtful about getting one.
As mentioned, there have been some concerns that were raised about it but if you look deep enough, you will realize that it makes snorkeling a lot more comfortable for you, especially when you compare it to the traditional snorkeling masks. We trust that you will now be able to put this new knowledge into good use now that you have read how to snorkel using a full-face snorkel mask.

How to Use a Kayak Dock

A kayak, while on the water, is a graceful and sleek thing. However, grace might just be very challenging to achieve when you are getting in the kayak and when you are getting out of it. When you are launching your kayak, it may either be shoreline or dock launches. Shoreline launches refer to when you straddle the kayak before you get in it. Meanwhile, dock launches are when you need to keep your balance as you slide into the kayak.
In this post, we will be discussing everything that you need to know about how to use a kayak dock. It is important to remember to set your kayak in a safe position, as well as perform some pre-launch checks. In addition, make sure that you have brought your safety gear including your personal floatation device. It would also be vital that all the essentials are within reach and that the foot pegs have been correctly adjusted. Once you have them ready, then let’s proceed to the discussions.

How to Use a Kayak Dock

Whether the dock you are in is sitting high or low off the water, you will realize that you are going to adjust your body placement to achieve the best balance as you enter and exit your kayak. You might want to consider practicing the following techniques to determine which one suits you best.

Launching from a kayak dock

  • - First, carry the kayak towards the dock and position it neatly paralleled to the dock in the water.
  • -Set your paddle down on the dock. Make sure that the cockpit is within arm’s reach.
  • -While you sit on the dock, dangle one leg down in the kayak’s cockpit. Doing so ensures that you are holding the kayak as close to you as possible.
  • -In this next step, you have a variety of options as to where you place your hand. -You may either have both your hands on the dock while you lower your body onto the kayak’s seat. You may also do this step by rotating your torso slightly while you slide both of your feet forward onto the kayak’s cockpit. Meanwhile, you also have the option to keep your hand on the dock and your other hand centered carefully, right behind the kayak’s coaming.
  • -Fully place your body onto the kayak seat and then, get your feet settled comfortably inside the foot pegs.
  • -You may also want to try attaching a spray skirt, that is, if you own one.
  • -Grab the paddle you placed on the dock and you may now proceed with kayaking.

Exiting at the kayak dock

Option 1 – This would work best when you are exiting at a higher dock.
  • - When you are done kayaking, paddle towards the dock and then stop with your kayak parallel to the dock.
  • - Place the paddle on top of the dock.
  • - Slightly rotate your torso so that it faces the dock. Then, place both of your hands on the dock.
  • - Pull both of your knees closer to the rest of your body.
  • - Then, you need to use both legs, as well as your arms, to raise yourself up slowly.
  • -Once your leg is in an even position with the dock, carefully set that knee onto the dock’s edge.
  • -You may also need to keep your weight at its lowest as you lift the other leg out of the kayak. You also need to pivot your body to be able to sit on the dock.
  • -Lastly, you might want to keep one eye on your kayak, just to make sure that it wouldn’t drift away.
Option 2 – This would work best when you are exiting at a lower dock.

  • -Position the paddle shaft onto the dock, in such a way that one end of the paddle blade rests behind the kayak’s cockpit while the other end rests on top of the dock.
  • -Use one hand – preferably the one farther away from the dock, to grasp the paddle blade simultaneously along with the cockpit’s rear edge.
  • -Then, place your other hand onto the shaft that has been leaning on the kayak dock.
  • -Using both of your arms, press up from the paddle shaft while you lift your body out of the boat and then eventually, to the dock.
  • -Lastly, slowly slide both of your feet off the cockpit and then set them both down onto the kayak dock.

Tips on How to Use a Kayak Dock

If you’re a beginner, entering and exiting your kayak would be especially tricky. It wouldn’t matter whether you’re doing it on a rocky shoreline, a dock, sand, or gravel beach. Mastering this skill would be vital if you want to enjoy more of your time in the water. Here are some tips that you may want to keep in mind:
  •     -An ideal place to launch is a quiet dock, where the waters are still and peaceful.
  • -If you’re considering entering your kayak from a dock, we do suggest that you do it at the lowest spot. In case you don’t know, the higher the dock is, the trickier it would be to enter the kayak.
  • -Ensure that your paddle is within arm’s reach. This tip would come in handy, so could reach it right away after getting settled on the kayak.
  • -If you have successfully entered your kayak from a dock, doing the exact reverse when exiting would do.
  • -If you’re doubtful about launching and getting off from your kayak, have someone stabilize the kayak. Doing so would make your maneuvers a lot easier. Your companion may help you either from a boat while in the water or from the dock.
  • -You may also opt to purchase a kayak floating dock system to help you.
  • -When looking for a kayak dock system, consider getting one that has integrated paddles notches, making the operation effortless and perfectly safe.
  • -You may also want to choose one that is slip-resistant, allowing you to walk on a safe dock.


While getting in and out of your kayak from a dock is a challenging task, you should be able to master it when you’re into some serious kayaking. Knowing the basics would keep you safe and it would be a great skill to show off to your friends and family. Just remember that you have all your kayaking essentials, as well as safety gear, with you at all times. This way, you get to enjoy more of your kayaking time without having any worries.