Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 8, 2019

How to Do a Frontside Air Reverse on a Surfboard

Once you have mastered the basic surfing maneuvers, you can definitely expand your horizons by acquiring new skills, including the frontside air reverse. While this maneuver is among the most favorite skills by experienced surfers, it is also one of the most challenging to learn. This skill involves a 270-degree rotation while you are in the air and then subsequently landing backward, spinning you into a full 360-degree rotation.
In this post, we will be discussing everything there is to learn about how to do a frontside air reverse on a surfboardWhen surfing, you know that full rotations on a surfboard are extremely rare. Nevertheless, that does not mean that it cannot be done. All you need to do is to practice how to execute the maneuver properly and you will be on your way. Now, let us get on with the topic.

How to Do a Frontside Air Reverse on a Surfboard

To be able to master the frontside air reverse successfully, you are going to need a wave that features a fast section, leading you into a nice ramp. As you are approaching the fast section, you also need to widen your stance. In fact, it would help you so much if you have a bigger surfboard. With this, you need to hit the wave’s lip as it pitches and then olly your way off it.
At the same time, try rotating your torso, as well as your arms, toward the beach. In case you did not know, this rotating motion is likely to throw you to a spin. So, keep in mind that the higher your tail is, the more air there is for you. However, also remember that you need to keep looking through your turn and then land while staying centered on your surfboard. In addition, you need to have your knees bent so that they absorb the impact.
These might all be overwhelming for you, especially if you are just starting out. Therefore, you need to be prepared to fail for a couple of hundred times before you can actually nail this skill. Once you do, it is guaranteed that you will get a legendary status if people see you regularly nailing this maneuver. Here are what you need to follow for you to master how to do a frontside air reverse on your surfboard:

- You are going to need a surfboard that has a wide area under your front foot. In addition, the waves need to feature a ramp-y end section. It would also be ideal if the wind were light and onshore.
- When you have found the perfect section of the wave, you need to approach it using speed. However, remember not to get there a bit too early or until that section is not steep enough. If needed, you may need to stall for a few moments before you start racing toward that section.
- As you approach the section, you are going to need to widen up your stance. To do this, slightly move your rear foot to the tail pad’s back. Doing so allows you to generate more speed and drive. Another thing would be getting your front foot right up to the surfboard, which certainly helps in terms of your rotation and speed.
- Keep in mind that it is important to boost out both in front of the wave and above it. With this, you need to keep your focus on boosting toward the beach instead of in the air.
- Once you hit the wave’s lip, olly your surfboard and then quickly rotate both your arms and torso. Doing so allows you to spin the frontside air reverse.
- If you send your surfboard’s tail higher into the air while you pivot around the front foot, the air is likely to look a lot bigger, allowing you to land so much easier.
- When you are in the process of rotating, keep in mind that you need to stay as compressed as possible. To add, continue bringing your back arm around while looking directly at the landing spot.
- Slightly extend for your surfboard to meet the wave. In case your board’s tail is faced towards the beach, land on your front feet and then try absorbing the landing.
- After, you need to re-center the weight distribution. Then, you need to let the fins catch. Once done, you may need to over your shoulder so you will be able to complete the rotation.

Tips on How to Do a Frontside Air Reverse on a Surfboard

Here are some tips to help you perfect the frontside air reverse move:

- You need to find the right wave for you to be able to execute the frontside air reverse on your surfboard. While this already sounds a bit obvious, you need to be reminded that it all depends on the air when finding the right wave. You can also forget about barreling waves. Instead, keep your focus on trying airs in wedge-y waves and soft beach breaks.
- When you find the perfect section to execute the maneuver, try lowering your body while bending your knees. Doing so allows you to spring out right above the wave.
- As you may now already know, speed is crucial to every air maneuver. If you were not fast enough, nothing else would matter. Once you have a targeted section, you are going to want to draw the line that is harmony with what the wave’s lip is doing.
- To be able to rotate comfortably, you need to feel what it feels like. The best thing that you can do about this is to use your head for most of the rotating work. Try pivoting your head over the shoulders to get the best results.
- If you ever feel in doubt about landing, keep in mind that you are less likely to get injured if you try landing on whitewater waves. There is just so much more cushion there when compared to green waves.
- If you fail to complete or initiate your rotation, try grabbing the rail, as it keeps your surfboard under control. Then, let your body to the rest of the maneuver.


When executing the frontside air reverse surfing maneuver, do not stress if you fail a couple or even hundreds of times. Not every experienced surfer learned the skill the easy way, not until they actually practiced and mastered it. With this, you might want to keep practicing the frontside air reverse regularly until you know that you have nailed it down.

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